Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What's The Best Tech Deck

STOP Cesar Millan

Cesar Millan has become famous thanks to the wave transmission in NatGeo Wild Sky, "Dog Whisperer" and he is a famous trainer so far enjoyed my estimation, but now I invite you all to watch his broadcasts will not buy nor his books! These days on You Tube are circulating the pictures show that he uses electric shock collars. From qalche month ANMVI sopsensione requested the program and join in too. The methods adopted by him are not in accordance with the veterinary scientific community. Thank God, in Italy the use of electric shock collars are prohibited Ministerial Ordinance of March 3, 2009 citing its sources, the legal ruling of Section III Criminal Court of Cassation n. 15061 of April 13, 2007, by which the Supreme Court held that the use of an electrical collar, which "device that causes the dog to a sadistic and unnecessary suffering", falls under the provisions of art. Article 727 hours. 544-ter of the Penal Code prohibits the mistreatment of animals.

Does Osk Green Tea Has Caffeine

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Monday, March 14, 2011


Diet dog! STOP

In recent years there are more obese dogs and is the fault of the bad habits of the master, so too the sofa or couch, and human food. The power of the dog varies, each individual animal, but a general discussion for all you can do:

- Protein, 20% of the meal. There are exceptions, when the females are pregnant or breastfeeding, you need to increase the protein requirement, which instead must be decreased for older dogs

- Sugar, they are not easily assimilated, but an important energy source. Preferred glucose or sucrose, while difficult to digest lactose. The intake of sugar is important both as an energy source and as a regulator of the bacterial flora.

- Fat, 10% of the meal. Exceeding involves obesity, and susceptibility to disease and premature aging.

- Vitamins, essential for the baby, during pregnancy and lactation. Vitamin deficiencies can lead to disease.

- Minerals are present in all foods. Importanti specialmente per i cuccioli e nelle femmine in gravidanza.

L'alimento principale è la CARNE, grazie alla quale il vostro cane, assume proteine, grassi e vitamine fondamentali per la crescita ed il mantenimento. Importante anche il PESCE, meno grasso della carne e meno energetico, importante darlo al cane esclusivamente cotto e scegliere quello senza lische. Le UOVA sono fonte di proteine, l'albume deve essere cotto per neutralizzare le sostanze antivitaminiche che contiene, il tuorlo invece può essere consumato anche crudo, ricco di vitamine e grassi, favorisce il manto lucido. Il LATTE ricco di grassi, vitamine, zuccheri e minerali, non è sempre consigliato perchè in certi casi causa disturbi all'intestino, perchè not all of the digest. In any diet that you can not miss respects the vegetables that help the dog to regulate intestinal activity, but do you really cook a lot, even if they lose vitamnico very low, but otherwise not be able to digest them. Sometimes even the cereals such as rice, to be overcooked. Finally, the fats of vegetable origin, which are found in the oil. Is important to him to do the daily movement, if you look past articles found in the dog jogging, but is good for the dog, too!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Reindeer And Sleigh Cake Stand

the hair!

I receive many e-mails of people asking me how to solve the problem of hair losing the dog, a Jack to anyone who has this question has only one answer, VACUUM! Unfortunately, the only fault we can find this breed is the loss of hair, these hairs similar to shove needles everywhere and hard to remove. When you bring the car wash you have ever noticed the look of those who must aspire to? The first few times I asked "but how many dogs you have!"? They did not believe that one dog, could lose so much. But a few months ago I found a small solution, I have to thank Anna and a fan of the FB I suggested a trick really works! Bring a pair of kitchen gloves (the ones for washing dishes) or those disposable latex (I use them), there are packs of 50, every night and massage inodssateli vigorously around the little body of your Jack, for at least five minutes, then take the brush flat ones with the rubber grip to hold between my fingers (they look like the curries used for horses) and comb thoroughly, if you will see that the constant loss of hair fall considerably! In addition, your Jack will enjoy a lot to be pampered!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Letter Confidential Clause

Day one: on the way to work with Love

Good day I joined this nice initiative Palmy and today I was ready with camera in hand to take a thousand photos on our path home-school-work ... then for a little unwell with fever and a few lines we did not move from home.
I wanted to participate anyway and I thought, therefore, to show what we see from the window ...


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Vademecum of health!

Here is a small reminder of the most common diseases and disorders that affect our four-legged friends:

Ticks and fleas are the worst enemies of our JR, so always check the surface and use a pesticide in case of need.

ROWS serious disease caused mosquito is a parasite that attacks the heart of the dog and can cause death, and prevent administration of tablets during the year.

VACCINATIONS forget the calls is dangerous to dogs: In
puppy from 4 months up to one year the calls are performed after eleven months of the last vaccine, the dates are marked in the booklet sanitario.Intorno to 8 months can make rabies vaccination. Every two months checking the stool for worms. Blood test to rule out heartworm and spray against pests.
In adults, a booster every eleven months, including the rabies. I check every six months. Heartworm every spring. From April to September, a pesticide once a month.
If your always cheerful and lively JR does not want to go out, is always a kennel, it means that he is not playing well. If licking or scratching indicates a very sick, maybe a rash or an allergy.

vomiting and may have eaten too fast, vomiting foam ate grass or, worse, toxic substances, vomiting blood may have ingested a bone or a stone, or it can have a disease, so in this case, consult your veterinarian immediately. If vomits once or twice to keep it on an empty stomach, vomiting several times better to hear the vet.

Diarrhea happens when you drastically change the diet, when eating too much, in other cases the presence of worms or disease infectious. If it happens once, do not worry too much, but if it repeats itself better to hear the vet. If you notice blood in the stool, always consult your veterinarian.

constipation when he drinks a little water or eat bones for a couple of days prefer little food and lots of water, if it persists consult your veterinarian.

poisoning if ingested toxic substances in your presence, let them ingest water and salt to induce vomiting. And call your veterinarian.

TO GIVE A PILL try to mix it with kibble, if not, hide it in a piece of meat or cheese, if there's no way past the hard way (for the sake of your JR) open his mouth to insert the pill keep him shut your mouth and hold your nose.

take a liquid medicine syringe, remove needle, insert the liquid, then lift the side folds of the lips and pour the contents, but do not pour it directly in your throat or you choke.

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Pakistan, suicide bomber at a funeral, 37 people died in Peshawar

Per la seconda volta in due giorni i talebani sono di nuovo entrati in azione oggi in
Pakistan con un attentato suicida contro una milizia pro governativa durante un corteo funebre nei pressi di Peshawar, il capoluogo della provincia nord occidentale di Khyber-Pakhtunkwa.

Gravissimo il bilancio della strage che secondo gli ultimi aggiornamenti è di 37 morti e una cinquantina di feriti. A questo tragico conteggio vanno aggiunte oggi le cinque vittime di una mina esplosa al passaggio di un pulmino carico di passeggeri su una strada a Dera Bugti, il distretto del Baluchistan e roccaforte dei gruppi separatisti attivi nella provincia ricca di risorse minerarie.

L'attentato suicida di oggi è avvenuto a 24 ore di distanza dall'esplosione a car bomb explosion in a gas filling station in Faisalabad, the third largest city in Pakistan, where 32 people were killed and injured over a hundred.

Both actions were claimed by the main Taliban movement Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), active in the border areas of Afghanistan and held responsible for more killings and assassinations of political figures made
in recent years in the country.

Today's attack was carried out by a suicide bomber mingled among the participants of a funeral in the village of Adezai, some twenty miles south of Peshawar. The funerals were those of the wife of a local commander of a
of "peace committees", the tribal militias fighting alongside the Taliban army in Islamabad. A survivor, Eman Mohammad, told the TV GeoNews that "the ritual prayers had just started when a boy became
off between the present and then blew himself up in front of the imam." The explosion was powerful and torn bodies of the victims, many of which were no more recognizable.

In a telephone call to reporters, a spokesman for the Taliban has taken over the authorship of the massacre and announced new revenge against the "Lashkar" (tribal militia) who "dare to attack us."

In a statement, President Asif Ali Zardari spoke of a "cowardly terrorist attack" ensuring it will not brake "the will of the nation to defeat terrorism." Even Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani has expressed the government's determination that "you do not leave demoralized by these attacks," to "eradicate terrorism from all over the country."

Meanwhile, as part of investigations into the massacre yesterday in Faisalabad, the police arrested three suspects and stated that the objective dell'autobomba was a secret service office located next to the gas station, but that ' high level of security has prevented the action. Today, in the center near Lahore, which is characterized by a strong presence of the Christian minority, the shops have declared a fierce general mourning.

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Vera year decided he wanted to dress up as Rapunzel. But be careful, non Raperonzolo quella tenera e un po' triste fanciulla descritta dai Grimm che prima vive sempre nella torre e poi vaga per anni nel deserto... fortuna che alla fine ritrova il suo principe e... va beh non vi svelo tutto il finale.
Mia figlia invece voleva Rapunzel quella simpatica eroina della Disney che salta e si arrampica grazie ai sui lunghissimi capelli... e devo dir la verità, quel film è piaciuto anche a me!
Vera però si era messa in testa che voleva il vestito originale, quello venduto proprio nel negozio Disney... ebbeni sì qui a Firenze esiste un negozio simile...
Fortuna ha voluto che la sua taglia era terminata e così l'unica soluzione possibile era che mamma Soma risvegliasse la macchina da cucire dal suo luno letargo winter and concentrate all his skills on hand dressed in carnival.

I have to thank Linda site that reported this fantastic tutorial that helped me a lot

Well I must say that in the end I was very satisfied and happy with Vera was also her dress (which made me even more happy with the work completed)

Running When You Have Your Period

Muhammad Yunus should retire according to the High Court of Bangadesh

economist Muhammad Yunus has lost another round in the battle to remain head of the Grameen Bank he created thirty years ago. Bangladesh's High Court dismissed an appeal against the esonoro reached retirement age 'and other violations on his appointment as Executive Director. Last week, the government, which owns 25% of the bank, it was summarily ousted in making him understand that it was time to retire. But the septuagenarian banker of the poor'', he pointed to his feet and decided to switch to legal action.
The judges said that the removal from office and '''perfectly legitimate'' perche’ la carica che gli e’ stata rinnovata nel 1990 non puo’ eseree mantenuta da chi ha superato I 60 anni di eta’. La sentenza non e’ pero’ definitiva e i legali stanno ora preparando l’appello.
Subito dopo il verdetto, i suoi simpatizzanti sono scesi in strada a Dacca con dimostrazioni di salidarieta’ e striscioni sul grattacielo dove ha sede la Grameen. Inoltre, a Washington, la segretaria di stato americana Hillary Clinton, ha espresso preoccupazione per la vicenda del banchiere che doveva incontrare proprio ieri.
Yunus, che nel 2006 ha vinto il premio NOBEL per la Pace, gode di un largo seguito internazionale, ma di recente la sua immagine e’ stata oscurata da un’accusa di embezzlement and other legal problems that according to its advocates are part of an orchestrated smear campaign entourage of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who recently accused him according to his words of''sucking the blood of the poor''and that he He had never forgiven the attempt, four years ago to found his own party.

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Poll: "Insert your JRT your family status?

The survey inserted in the state of your family your JRT "there is an almost unanimous

99% YES! It 's a family member
0% NO!
01% do not know.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Heart Burn Continuous

India, big evader with $ 8 billion in Switzerland

The Indian tax authorities have arrested a suspect accused of super evader illegally exported $ 8 billion in Swiss banks. The local media report today stating that man and 'was jailed last night in Pune in the state of Maharashtra after six hours of questioning. The man, whose name is Hasan Ali Khan, who owns a farm Horse racing is now in hospital because of an illness. The officers of the Indian tax authorities have raided several offices and its properties' to search for the origin of the huge sum of funds blacks. Among the cases there is' one of Khan's alleged links with the international arms trade. The story was already 'up in the past the headlines in India as a symbol of the huge tax evasion that exists in the country.
It is estimated that in tax havens in Switzerland and there are about 500 billion dollars of Indian citizens the result of tax evasion, corruption and crime '. Last week, the Supreme Court had accused the government of doing nothing to repatriate capital taken abroad. The judges had hard rap the executive and given an ultimatum, which expires today, to report actions taken against money laundering. Khan and 'was arrested on charges of illegal export of capital and money laundering. According to the lawyer but would
'victim of political vendetta''and''scapegoat''for the government under pressure after the highest court of appeal.

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Pakistan, another massacre in Punjab, 32 dead

A car parked at a gas station has gas massacre of 32 people today in Faisalabad, the third city 'of Pakistan and an important industrial center in the central province of Punjab, which is characterized by a strong presence of Christians. The attack 'was claimed by the main militant group Taliban with a phone call to an international news agency, which said that the goal was a seat of the secret service ISI, which is nearby and that has not 'been damaged.
The explosion, widespread destruction in what caused the explosion of some gas cylinders, resulted in the wounding 125 people, some of whom are in serious condition. The service station, three nearby buildings, including offices of the national airline Pia and dozens of parked cars were destroyed. Rescuers have worked hard to pull victims and survivors from the rubble. From what has been 'learned, the explosive was hidden in a car and the detonator and' was driven away. Speaking on a television local, the commissioner of police of Faisalabad, Tahir Husain, has ruled out the presence of a suicide bomber.
According to a spokesman of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the main active symbol in the northwest, and the attack 'was committed in revenge for the killing of militants of the movement by security forces last year in the same Faisalabad. A few hours after the massacre, some missiles launched from a U.S. drone aircraft have killed at least five suspected Islamic militants in South Waziristan on the border with Afghanistan.
The last terrorist attack (this is not claimed by the Taliban) back to Friday 'last year. A bomb in a crowded mosque near the mausoleum of a Sufi in Nowshera (District dii-Paktunkwa Khyber, near Peshawar) had 11 faithful who were massacred in line to receive a meal.
It is estimated that in Pakistan about 4000 people died in bomb attacks, suicide bombings and acts of terrorism or the Taliban Pakistani groups linked to Al Qaeda since 2007, or after the siege of the Red Mosque in Islamabad to sign ' the beginning of the government's campaign against Islamic extremist groups in the country.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Answers To Study Questions On The Biology Lab One

March 8, 2011!

Today March 8, 2011 I wish you all women of the world! In particular to all those who work in shelters, in the various charities to help animals, to those fighting for animal rights, to all the owners of dogs and of course BAUGURI TO ALL DOG!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What To Day In A Best Friends Wedding Carad

hygiene of your dog!

hygiene of your dog is important for your health, then here are some tips:

Ears cleaned every day is important to prevent ear infections, just wrap a piece in a pair of tweezers and be careful not to go too deep, or once a week with a good product (drops or spray) and gently massage the outside NEVER use Q-tips, if you hear or smell you see in pain, consult your veterinarian.

NAILS JR that if we are alone on the ground cut out others who need to cut in June to cut the vet.

TEETH you can clean them with a toothbrush if you want you can use toothpaste for dogs, but never what we use, that cause vomiting or give your skin a bone JR. The plaque is removed with a toothbrush, while the tartar can only remove a specific device, then your veterinarian. There are also commercially convenient spray to spray on the teeth and gums. The cleaning should be performed every day.

bathroom wash too is not good as the shampoo destroys the protective substances of the hair, which takes six days to reform, but if you live in the country or if your JR rubs on "I", "Animal dead "etc.. need to wash it. + If your dog is covered just once every six months. Before it is good to wash the brush to remove dead hair, then wet the coat with warm water, soaped careful not to damage the eyes, then rinse, but be careful that water does not go in your ears, then dry with towels and if your dog accepts it use the hair dryer at an average temperature and keep the dog at home for at least a couple of hours, otherwise it may get cold and sick.

TEARS form of mucus to be removed with wet gauze, in case there is an inflammation, so your JR often rubs the eye contact your veterinarian.

HAIR brush every day with the rubber glove and then a comb, to rule out parasites, JR Broken should be "stripped" it is a knife that pulls the dead hair, agrees that for the first time to be an expert to do it for you and teach you how. Pay attention to fleas insects that feed on the blood of dogs and cats, when a flea gets on a dog, lay their eggs within 48 hours, after a few hours, the eggs fall to the ground, the larvae hatch and are wrapped in a protective cocoon that is starving and flea jumps on your dog. Important to pass a protective product on your dog, but indicated it would treat the environment in which he lives, but products with the least can be toxic. Consult your veterinarian. Even Ticks are parasites that feed on the blood are steps on the grass waiting for the dog to jump up, very risky areas where there are flocks of sheep are placed on the ears and between the fingers, removed with tweezers and there council to pass a cotton swab impregnated with olive oil that kills

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Watch Films In Spanish

Pakistan, massacre in Sufi shrine in Nowshera

Ten Muslims, including a child, were killed in a bomb attack near a mosque in the city 'of Nowshera, near Peshawar in northwestern Pakistan. The victims belong to the community 'of the Sufis, which is considered heretical by Sunni majority and often targeted by Islamic extremist groups active in border areas with Afghanistan. The massacre and 'took place in a sacred place near the grave of a famous medieval Sufi saint, where a large crowd had gathered to receive the traditional meal offered after the Friday Muslim prayer'. The sanctuary 'to Akhun Punj Baba, dating from the XVI century, in the Akbarpur. From what we have 'learned by the police, the bomb was hidden in the common table and it' was driven away. At that time there were a hundred people in line to eat. Among the wounded were in some serious conditions. So far, not 'come and claim that the attack' occurred two days after the death of 15 persons in the tribal district of Hangu, always in the north west, caused by a bomb exploded at the passage of a police vehicle. President Asif Ali Zardari has strongly condemned the attack on the mosque as''a horrendous act of violence''and promised tough action against those responsible, which he defines''enemies of Islam.''

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fake Community Service Hours High School

Liam & Theo

I'll tell you a story that will make you really cry. We're talking about a bloody war that continues to claim victims, Afghanistan! Liam Tasker 26 years, the name of the British soldier killed by the Taliban during the mission, Theo as his inseparable dog. An anti-dog mine, the più bravo, pensate che deteneva il record per il maggior numero di ordigni artigianali scovati e fatti disinnescare, I due erano inseparabili e lavoravano sempre in coppia. Quando il talebani gli hanno ucciso il padrone, i suoi compagni hanno tentato di salvarlo, lo hanno caricato sul mezzo e Liam era ancora vivo, ma poi è morto davanti agli occhi del suo Theo! Rientrato al campo Theo non ce l'ha fatta ed è stato stroncato da un infarto, i veterinari hanno stabilito che è morto di crepa cuore per il dolore, capita raramente ma accade. "Amo il mio lavoro e adoro che a farlo con me ci sia il mio Theo che non si stanca e non si ferma di fronte a nulla!" Con queste parole Liam parlava di se e del suo cane! Io penso che la storia di questo grande example of love, should give pause to those who still insist on mistreating dogs considering only the beasts!

Basketball Game Warm-up Songs

Ballet Bollyood William-Kate to the wedding

Prince William and Kate Middleton, the bride chose a Bollywood touch to their wedding to be held in London on April 29 and is regarded as the event of the year for celebrities and royalty from around the world. As you reveal the Indian agency, the dancer and choreographer Sandip Soparrkar was hired to perform in a ballet Indian-style to the reception to be held in Buckhingham Palace with 600 carefully selected guests.

"The organizers want a combination of reasons of Bollywood and English Waltz," a source said adding that the colorful and musical wild Indians "are very popular in the United Kingdom thanks to the Indian diaspora," and that the couple "want something fun at the end of reception. " Soparrkar, who works with his wife and model, Jesse Randhawa, has become popular for the choreography of some recent hits in Bollywood, but it was also hired by Hollywood stars and singers like Madonna and Britney Spears.

His school was the first in India to introduce the teaching of Latin dances. The agency adds that India a few years ago he met Prince Charles, a frequent visitor and lover of India, on the set of a historical film, "Mangal Pandey", dedicated to a famous anti-British rebellion of 1857.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Answers To Osmosis Lab

Aphorisms on dogs

Every night in the facebook page I greet you with a phrase about dogs, as promised I have collected and I will write below: 1

. "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by how it treats animals. "(Mahatma Gandhi)

2." The safest place to keep our pets is our heart "(Elena Sandrini)

3." We are alone, absolutely alone on this chance planet: and of all forms of life that surround us, not once, but the dog has covenant with us. "(Maurice Maeterlinck)

4." There is no word in any human language, capable of consoling the guinea pigs who do not know why they died. "(Elsa Morante)

5." The feeling is the same for the dogs we have for the children "(Freud)

6." Who has not had a dog does not know what it means to be loved. " (Schopenhauer)

7. "The story offers more examples of the fidelity of dogs than of friends" (Pope)

8. "A dog like you care more about his pappa. Well - almost." (Charlotte Gray)

9. "The dog is an eternal Peter Pan, never gets old, so is always available to love and be loved. "(Aaron Katcher)

10." Look in my eyes and try to say a dog that has no soul "(V. Hugo)

11." If you pick up a starving dog and you feed him no bite. That's the difference between man and dog. " (Mark)

12. "The love a dog gives great strength to man" (Seneca)

13. "The highest duty of a man is reduced by the cruelty to animals." (Emile Zola)

14. "A dog can find, even in the most useless of us, something to believe." (EVLucas)

15. "Dogs are not everything in life, but fill our existence." (R. Caras)

16. "Dogs when they love, love so constant, unalterable, until his last breath." (E. Von Arnim)

17. "The dog is the only mammal that can truly live with us and not just beside us." (Eibl-Eibesfeldt Irenaus)

19. "The loyalty of a dog is a precious gift that requires no less binding moral obligations of friendship with a human being." (K. Lorenz)

20. "Your dog will be faithful and sincere to the last beat of his heart. What you owe it to deserve such devotion "(Anonymous)

21." Get a good leash and a dog, it will seem impossible, but after a few days become a single person "(Vietnam veteran dogs)

22." You do not care whether you are right or wrong, do not care if you have luck or not, if you are rich or poor, educated or ignorant, saint or sinner . You are his friend and that's enough. He will be beside you to comfort, protect and give, if necessary, for you, his life. He will be faithful in luck as in poverty. And 'the dog! "(JK Jerome)

23." When you choose to live with a dog, it's forever. Do not you leave. Never. Mettetevelo well in the lead, before adopting one. "(D. Pennac)

24." It is sweet to hear the honest watchdog's bark that launches un profondo benvenuto quando ci avviciniamo a casa; è dolce sapere che c'è un occhio attento che cura il nostro ritorno e si illumina quando arriviamo". (Lord Byron)

25."La scelta del padrone da parte di un buon cane è un fenomeno magnifico e misterioso. Con rapidità sorprendente, spesso in pochissimi giorni, si stabilisce un legame che è di gran lunga più saldo di tutti ...." (Konrad Lorenz)

26."Un cane è l'unico essere su questa terra che ti ama più di quanto non ami se stesso". (Josh Billings)

27."Arrivi a casa. Il cane ti si precipita contro. "Dove sei stato? Sei stato via così tanto. Mi sei mancato, mancato, mancato. Ti amo, ti amo, ti amo. Cosa is in the bag? Something for me? Oh, let me lick your ear. Oh, let me chew your gloves. You're home! "(Pam Brown)

28." A dog can express more with his tail in a minute that his master with his tongue in hours. "(Anonymous)

29." A man can offer a cordial greeting, send us to hell. But when a dog wagging his tail, you know I love you forever. "(Anonymous)

30." Her happiness depends mainly on the time you spend with him, the number of times that can accompany you in your output, the dog does not care about waiting for hours in front of the door of your study, if then it will be rewarded ten minute walk at your side. For the dog, and personal friendship is everything. Remember that in this way you make a commitment that slight everything else, and because after 'impossible to break the friendship with a faithful dog, and give it away is tantamount to murder. "(Konrad Lorenz)

31." Most people who have a dog in the long run they learn to obey their four-legged friend. "(Robert Morley)

32." Dogs are so permeable to human feelings with the co-existence since time immemorial we have become almost equal. For this reason many people hate them. They see too much of themselves reflected in their gaze tenderly vile things they would rather ignore. " (Susanna Tamaro)

33. "The joy of a dog taken out for his stroll welcomes the angels." (J. Bastar)

34. "Old dogs, like old shoes, are comfortable. They might be a bit out of shape and a little worn around the edges, But They fit well." (Bonnie Wilcox 'Old Dogs, Old Friends') ... Older dogs, like the shoes are very comfortable. are perhaps a little 'out of shape and a little' worn all around, but there is so 'good

35. "We must earn his trust and his friendship was born to be our friend, when his eyes are still closed he already believes in us even before birth has already given himself to man "(M. Maeterlinck)

36." If a dog comes to you after we looked at him you should go home and make an examination of conscience. "(Woodrow Wilson)

37." Whoever keeps a dog in the house live on average longer than those who do not want to close if a "(D. Morris)

38." A dog is not "almost human" and I can not imagine the worst insult to the canine race than to describe it that way. The dog can do many things that man can not, never have and never will do. "(John Holmes)

39." If I were a man I would not be a dog. "(Alexander)

40. "Dogs are wiser than men. They do not pay much attention to things. Do not waste their days accumulating property. Do not spoil their sleep worrying about how to keep the objects they have and how to obtain items that do not have. "(Eugene O'Neill)

41." Dogs, God bless them, operate on the premise that human beings are fragile and require incessant insurance and expressions of affection. The random lick on the hand and placed the muzzle hairy as a kind of draped over the instep are calculated to tell the boss that a friend is near. "(Mary McGrory)

42." A dog is man's best friend but not vice versa. " (Anonymous)

43. "Yes ... it is a lost dog sadder that it can meet the gaze of a person who understands and loves animals. "(AP Therune)

44." The more I know people, the more I love dogs. "(Nicholas De Chamfort)

45." God created man, then, seeing him so weak, he created the dog. "(Alphonse Toussenel)

46." animals not only feel affection, but want to be loved. "(Charles Darwin)

47." When I return home I come to meet you and wagging his tail curled up at my feet. I thus repay the sacrifices and hardships of the working day. "(F. Siano)

48." The reason a dog has many friends is that wags his tail instead of his tongue. "(Anonymous)

49." O philosophers, all have a dog. And before you say anything, look at your dog. Perhaps more than one, then your statement will remain in the pen. "(Luigi Pirandello)

50." I'm kind of happy. their company is much better than that of humans. We do not put in issue or to discuss. "(Anonymous)

51." He trusts in God, as the dog is confident master. Just a whistle, and the dog runs. Wherever you go, follow you happy, without asking, without thinking. End of the world. "(Andrej Sisjavskij)

52." A dog is the only be the way he loves you more than himself. "(Josh Billings)

53." Here lie the remains of one who possessed beauty without vanity, strength without insolence, courage without ferocity, and all the virtues of man without his vices . (George Byron) (nell'epitaffio the grave of his Newfoundland dog Boatswain at the Abbey of Newatead)

54. "Man is a domesticated animal that only has controlled for centuries in other animals by fraud, violence and Cruelty. "(Charles Chaplin)

55." It 's ridiculous to deny an obvious truth, so as to defend it too tiring. No truth seems to me more evident than that beasts have thought and reason as men: the arguments are so clear about it that do not escape even the stupid and the ignorant. "(David Hume)

56." The distant barking of a dog that brings us back thought with loved ones and familiar places provides the best proof of the immortality of the soul. "(Kierkegaard)

57." I found that when you are deeply troubled, there is a greater comfort that the company will be devoted and a quiet dog, all you can draw from other sources. "(Doris Day)

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We are now in fourth edition of the campaign season of prevention" that 1 to 31 March 2011, provides free visits for dogs and cats, veterinarians Italians participating in the initiative. Commissioned by the veterinary surgeons (ANMVI) and Hill's Pet Nutrition, sponsored by the Federation of Associations of veterinary (Fnovi) and the Ministry of Health. The primary purpose of this campaign is to raise awareness among owners of dogs and cats, on the absolute importance of prevention. You should know that 70% of human diseases have animal origin, therefore the health of the animals in harmony with ours. This year, they joined 2,000 veterinarians, it is hoped to surpass the 10,000 visits last year. Last year 3,200 animals were diagnosed with a disease and 2,400 of these have started care. To see the list of participating veterinarians www.stagionedellaprevenzione.it visit the website or call toll free 800 189 612 and if you do not find your vet, for once, choose another. In order to make a famous advertisement, "prevention is better than cure"! However, I CI 'A YOU KNOW THAT I DO NOT BUY THE PRODUCTS FOR ANY REASON Hill's BECAUSE THIS LIST IS IN BLACK http://www.consumoconsapevole.org/pet_food_e_vivisezione.html BUT I FIND THE RIGHT FREE TOUR!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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India-EU, HIV drugs block protest against low cost

Over 2000 HIV positive and Asian Indians have marched in New Delhi to protest against
restrictions on trade in drugs
the European Union wants to introduce in the Free
trade with India being discussed in Brussels .
The event was organized by
Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and other organizations representing people with AIDS and cancer
The demonstrators called on the government di New Delhi che non ceda
alle pressioni dell'Unione Europea di accettare alcune
disposizioni in materia di proprietà intellettuale che, secondo
loro, impediranno a milioni di persone in India e nei paesi in
via di sviluppo (che comprano i farmaci indiani) di avere
accesso a medicinali salva vita low cost.
Secondo una bozza dell'accordo, che dovrebbe concludersi
entro l'anno, Bruxelles chiede "l'esclusività dei dati" (Data
Exclusivity), che limiterebbe la competizione tra produttori di
farmaci generici, permettendo delle situazioni di monopolio.
"Sarebbe un madornale errore introdurre questa regola in
India e spero davvero che il governo non cederà" ha detto
all'ANSA il relatore speciale dell'Onu sui diritti alla salute,
Anand Grover, a una conferenza stampa a New Delhi. Ha poi
aggiunto che tre ministeri indiani si sono già espressi contro
la misura "che colpirebbe anche i vaccini e i farmaci non
brevettati, che sono noti da migliaia di anni" ha aggiunto.
L'India è fonte dell'80% dei farmaci anti-retrovirali
acquistati dai donatori e dalle agenzie delle Nazioni Unite per
i loro programmi mondiali. Un esempio è Msf, che fa affidamento
ai farmaci a basso costo prodotti in India per curare 160 mila
sieropositivi nei paesi in via di sviluppo.

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Oltre 2 mila sieropositivi indiani e asiatici hanno marciato oggi a New Delhi per protestare contro le restrizioni sul commercio dei farmaci che l'Unione Europea vorrebbe introdurre nell'accordo di libero scambio con l'India in discussione a Bruxelles.
La manifestazione e' stata organizzata da Medici Senza Frontiere (Msf) e da altre associazioni che rappresentano i malati di Aids e di cancro. I dimostranti chiedono al governo di New Delhi che non ceda alle pressioni dell'Unione Europea di accettare alcune disposizioni in materia di proprieta' intellettuale che, secondo loro, impediranno a milioni di persone in India e nei paesi in via di sviluppo (che comprano i farmaci indiani) di avere accesso a medicinali salva vita low cost.

Secondo una draft agreement, which should be completed within the year,''the Brussels calls for exclusivity 'of the data''(Data Exclusivity), which would limit competition among generic drug manufacturers, allowing the monopolies. ''It would be a gross mistake to introduce this rule in India and I really hope that the government will not give in'''ANSA said the UN special rapporteur on health rights, Anand Grover, at a press conference in New Delhi. He added that three ministries in India have already 'voted against the measure''which also affects non-patented drugs and vaccines, which have been known for thousands of years,''he added.

India and 'source of 80% of anti-retroviral drugs purchased by donors and UN agencies for their programs worldwide. An example 'MSF, which relies to low-cost drugs produced in India for treating 160 000 HIV-positive people in developing countries.

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Greemin Bank, Muhammed Yunus fired but he resists

E 'now clash between the Government of Bangladesh, Muhammad Yunus, "Banker to the Poor" and inventor of microcredit. The Central Bank of Dhaka has now ousted from the direction of the Grameen Bank he founded, but a few hours after a statement of the financial institution has questioned the legality of the decision and stated that "the professor and Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus can keep his office. " According to the Bangladeshi authorities, the economist, who is 70 years, reached retirement age laid down by banking regulations.
The standoff is the culmination of a series of legal problems in which Yunus has stumbled because of alleged irregularities committed by the bank. In reality - according to his supporters, including former there is the Irish President Mary Robinson - is the victim of a deliberate campaign to discredit the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Ms. Sheikh Hasina, for a political rivalry in 2007 at the time of the system Yunus military when he tried to found a party against corruption. Recently it has also been called into question the effectiveness of the revolutionary model of micro financing practiced by Grameen and then spread around the world, so they win the Nobel Prize for peace in 2006.
In what has been learned from the local media, the decision to "torpedo" Yunus was taken today in Dhaka by the President of the Central Bank, Khondaker Muwammel Huq, who has asked the government (which owns 25% of the Bank) will be exempt from 'post of executive director "because it has far exceeded the limits of age, who is 60 years for positions in financial institutions. Last January, the Finance Minister AMA Muhit had already asked to retire in getting a response rebuffed.
removal, however, was disputed by the Grameen itself today in a statement, assured of "always having successfully fulfilled all laws that govern "the functioning of the banking system and also respect the laws regarding the appointment of the Executive Director." According to the counsel of the institute, the Nobel prize may therefore be in place. Yunus himself had stated that he was elected in 2000 by the Board of Directors composed of the same beneficiaries of the bank. Promises a legal battle in addition to those taking place between which there are a trial for defamation for an interview in 2007, to produce a complaint with the Danone yoghurt "injurious to health" and another for non-prosecution have repaid a loan. To which is added at the beginning of December, a documentary made by Danish journalist Tom Heinemann insinuated that suspicions of irregularities in the management of the bank, regarding financial donations from Norway and other countries, causing mixed reactions from governments and investigations of Oslo and Dhaka.

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Natural Trainer says.

I wrote an email to Nova Foods, which produces the food of Natural Trainer to learn about the food choices made by their company, and I was promptly responded and I thank them because this is not for everyone. So I want to share with you their response: The
nutritional choices that involve a specific food philosophy, which has become for us a true mission: to use functional ingredients to improve specific body functions (BIOMODULO) by going beyond the single concept of caloric or nutritional needs! Because of its functional ingredients we're talking about:
pea fiber:
fiber, starch and pea protein are derived through a natural extraction process of the seed itself, not the pod, the which can increase the functionality of individual components. In particular, the fiber pea is able to promote the growth of enteric microflora and regulate bowel movements through a balance of fiber, the composition (63% cellulose, hemicellulose 30% and 7% lignin) is able to: • improve the composition
intestinal microflora;
• improve digestion and assimilation of all nutrients;
• improve the effectiveness of the immune system;
• reduce the concentration of fecal odor unpleasant.
E'inoltre able to retain up to 5 times its weight in water and up to 2 times its weight in oil, thus counteracting intestinal disorders.

beet pulp:
Le fibre alimentari migliori, per le caratteristiche anatomo-fisiologiche dei cani e dei gatti ,sono quelle moderatamente fermentescibili (tra cui rientrano proprio le polpe di barbabietola) che forniscono una quantità di acidi grassi a catena breve (utilizzati dalle cellule epiteliali dell’intestino come fonte energetica), adeguata alla capacità di assorbimento della mucosa intestinale. La polpa di barbabietola non contiene zuccheri semplici, in grado di influenzare la glicemia. La polpa di barbabietola è infatti la sostanza che rimane dopo l'estrazione dello zucchero dalla barbabietola da zucchero, per cui è fibra, per definizione "polisaccaridi che NON vengono digeriti dagli enzimi endogeni, ma possono essere fermentati dai batteri bowel.

meat and pork fat:
The fresh pork and processed foods have become today's new values, contrary to what happened in the past just because they are considered valid in relation to alleged health risks resulting from their consumption. Today are considered too rich in fat in general and especially in saturated fat and cholesterol and, consequently, of total calories. The reality is that genetic selection has led to a significant reduction in the fat of pork, the progress of the techniques the feedingstuffs have compounded the already substantial changes in food-science while industrial production has made it possible to get products tested for the characteristics hygiene, resulting in constant quality control.

The cholesterol content has been significantly reduced in the order of 30-40%. Even more interesting is the feedback on the analytical composition of the fat, with a content of 43.30% oleic acid (monounsaturated fatty acid which is rich in olive oil) and linoleic acid (omega-6 fatty acid series) 11.3%, among other things considered essential for the dog (Strata A. 2000. nutritional quality of meat "modern." Journal of pig 8, 47-50).

a result, the content of unsaturated fatty acids reached about 60% while the saturated fatty acids are reduced to 40%.

The pork was subject in recent years major changes, such that the pig meat alternative for excellence.
The selection of particular breeds and the contribution of protein-based diet have yielded a number of pigs with subcutaneous and intramuscular fat very low.
The lean pork is an excellent source of protein with an excellent amino acid profile. In some respects, such as vitamins B1, B2 and L-carnitine, the pork is even better when compared to other types of meat.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Godhra, 11 death sentences for murder trains of pilgrims

A special court in the northeastern Indian state of Gujarat has sentenced to death for having 11 Muslims burned a train carrying Hindu pilgrims
'in the city' of Godhra nine years ago.
In the attack killed 59 people. Another 20 defendants were sentenced to life imprisonment
. The Ibn-CNN television reported.
On 22 February, after a trial lasting two years, the special court judges
Ahmedabad had felt guilty
premeditated massacre of 31 people while 63 others were acquitted
. Today 'punishment was decided.
The Sabarmati Express train car, carrying a group of Hindu radicals
'from city' sacred
Ayodhya (in Uttar Pradesh), had been locked in a station
February 27, 2002 and set on fire by a mob
enraged Muslims. According to the prosecution's argument, accepted by
courthouse, the assault was planned the night before and
some jerry cans of petrol were brought
on track with the intention of burning the train. The attack unleashed '
a bloody and brutal revenge against the Muslim minority in Gujarat
, culminating with the massacre of 2 000 people under the indifferent eyes of the local government

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a psychologist to support the dog owners.

I asked the famous psychologist dogs Gessica Degl'Innocenti to explain what is her job and she is an amazing woman (who will take part in the Jack Russell Fest May 8, 2011 will have the pleasure of meeting), I wrote the following, good reading.
If anyone had behavioral problems with your dog at home, I rarely think to consult a professional psychologist! Now entered the collective imagination as those who spend their days working to listen to patients lying on a bed, it's hard to believe that some of them receive, rather than in a clinic, in a field of dog training or carry out home visits to solve problems "canines." Yet it happens. The psychologist is, to date, institutionally recognized as a professional thanks to a five year training, which manages to combine in himself the knowledge of both human and animal behavior. Do not forget that, even as scientists, psychologists, and they availed themselves still use, wildlife observation to understand the behavior of the animals and find interesting ideas to deepen the knowledge of the human. At the beginning of last century, with their research in behavioral, were the forerunners of modern zooantropologia, so that today is taking place, but who lacks formal training recognized. Caring for a dog means to bring into play the human skills e canine e quando qualcosa non funzione in questo rapporto, non sempre è “colpa” del cane; può succedere infatti che una mala gestione da parte del proprietario, una cattiva interpretazione dei bisogni, porti degli scompensi nelle dinamiche relazionali della coppia uomo-cane. Se quindi veterinari, in primis, sono deputati a prendersi cura dell’animale, lo psicologo prende in carico la coppia, dove sicuramente la componente umana, fatta di aspettative, motivazioni ed investimenti, rappresenta la leva da forzare per ristabilire un ordine nelle cose.
Noi umani, da quando milioni di anni fa, abbiamo acconsentito a prenderci cura di questo quadrupede, abbiamo guadagnato il suo amore eterno, ma ci siamo anche presi l’impegno di capirlo, accudirlo e procacciargli tutto ciò di cui ha bisogno, in senso fisico e psicologico. La figura della psicologo diventa per questo indispensabile al fine di sostenere il proprietario e di capire le dinamiche che intervengono tra cane e famiglia umana. La funzione dello psicologo in questo campo può essere quella di comprendere le implicazioni, tutte umane, che determinano la scelta di condividere la propria vita con un cane. Il rapporto uomo-cane è un rapporto complesso dove senso di accudimento, investimento ed aspettative si fondono in un continuo altalenarsi tra conscio ed inconscio. In coscienza spesso decidiamo di prendere un cane con noi perché ci piace, ci fa compagnia, ci riempie le giornate, ci fa sentire meno soli, ma sotto a questo There are unconscious motives which, if not covered or hidden to ourselves, tend to anthropomorphize the animal to depriving him of his natural needs, to make a substitute, perhaps, of something we are missing outside of the family. Too often, where our dog shows discomfort or stress, we tend to "manipulate" the animal himself, wanting to "cure", without stopping to think and observe the dynamics of the master, his reactions to the behavior of the dog, its demands, expectations. Often it takes very little because the owner is aware of his mistakes, failures, or even regain a role within the troop and family, everything seems trovare una nuova via, un nuovo equilibrio. In qualsiasi ambito uno psicologo si trovi ad operare, non potrà esimersi dall’adottare un punto di vista empatico che racchiude in sé l’importanza del sostegno e dell’accoglienza verso chi cerca un aiuto. Anche in questo campo quindi il ruolo principale dello psicologo sarà quello di occuparsi della parte umana della diade uomo-cane; essendo capace di capire anche le esigenze del cane, dovrà essere il filo di congiunzione tra i due mondi in gioco. Potrà dimostrarsi utile ad esempio, nel momento in cui una famiglia decide di prendere con sé un amico a quattro zampe, consigliando l’approccio giusto da adottare con il nuovo arrivato, ponderando la decisione circa la taglia or sex or taking into account the potential temperament of the dog. This first phase is important not only for the animal that arrives in the new human family, but also for the human components themselves, especially if their first experience. Often, only inexperience, you can make mistakes, even if fixed, could undermine the balance of the whole nucleus familiare.In then the psychologist may be useful both for advice and explanations about the behavior of the dog, both in their behavior more just to be taken to the same owner, to understand the various stages of the life of the animal, its needs and how we can best respond to these, where it alters the balance existing family and the dog are affected (eg transfers, loss of a family member, birth of children etc ...). The function of the psychologist must therefore be to assist and support owners in everyday life, to cope together with small daily problems.
(Gessica Degl'Innocenti)