A Cake Month: Cake
What day is wander around the web and I discovered the wonderful blog of Marta. They are really nice happened right on the post where she was designed to give an objective and create a monthly culinary cake. The idea I was immediately intrigued a lot lately because I really want to cook, especially desserts cooking, something almost never done.
But everyone knows that I do not go very well with characters like Mr. Butter and Eggs sig.re and lately I have some hesitation even to the office. Sugar (both with the white robe, that with the brown). So you almost have to wonder how it wants to cook sweet and above.
Luckily I spent time close to macrobiotics and, to my delight, I got to know Mr. Malt, who manages to pull up the morale, just as Mr. Sugar, but at the same time it makes me feel a ball swells and can give me a lot but a lot less addictive.
So, returning to to design confectionery Marta I said "Oh great, I want it too, but customizing it a little."
And so part of the project a cake Month.
Each month a different pie.
The goal: dairy free cakes, sugar free, healthy ingredients as possible but noticeable on the palate.
I myself am curious to see what pops up ...
Let 's start with the cake of January: The
Ciambellone sourdough.
2 cups rice milk
3 tablespoons malt (to increase o diminuire a secondo del proprio desiderio di dolce)
3 cucchiai di olio di semi di girasole
una scorza di limone grattugiata
1 cucchiaino di cannella
farina bianca q.b.
Volevo fare una torta assolutemente sana da tutti i punti di vista, non volevo usare neanche il lievito, neanche il cremortartaro.
Così ho prelevato una parte della pasta madre (acqua e farina) che settimanalmente preparo per fare il pane in casa e l'ho messa in una ciotola. Poi ho aggiunto il latte di riso, l'olio di girasole, la scorsa di limone e la cannella. Dopodichè ho aggiunto la farina fino a quando il composto non è diventato denso e omogeneo. A Then I oiled and floured bundt pan for the new purchased with a lot of satisfaction last week:) and I poured the mixture into the pan, I covered and I left to rise at least 12 hours. (You can leave up to 24 hours)
The next day I turned on the oven to 180 degrees and bake for 40 minutes.
happy with my work I took pictures when it was still pretty smoking ...
Then it is cool and we tried it (me, my country, my daughter, a couple of girlfriends and their children).
not like anyone ... : (... But it's over now:)
Ok, I admit, it was really very sweet and had to "dress" (I pride I honor and respect as it was, and then I liked it, but now there are more than 6 months that I do not eat sugar.) those with jam, one with the honey.
Well, a reminder for me or for those who want to try:
Try to mix with apple juice (perhaps as sweet rice milk), add at least one more spoonful of malt and even half a grated orange peel ... with these devices at least some of the tasters will try desperately not a condiment!
Well, it was a considerable satisfaction - the new pan has contributed a lot to raise the bar - and despite the slightly sweet taste (and probably for a macrobiotic) is not even advanced a little bit ...
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