Hands up who has never spoken with his dog as if it were able to respond? How many times watching her sweet nose you thought "It lacks only the word"! Yet even the dogs have their own language speech consists of a series of barks of various types depending on the situation, but mostly communicate in a non-verbal, through gestures, as did the primitives. In addition, our dog is watching, scrutinizing our movements to understand what we want to communicate, but sin that certain gestures for us normal, appear to be a threat to the dog that often misunderstands them. For example you should never set the dog in the eye, a direct means for us to talk to him but he is the worst threat, if not it already has two dogs are fixed because they have good intentions, in fact most of the time looking elsewhere, so if the talk does not fix it, so you do not feel threatened. An outpouring that we humans strive to express our affection is the hug, but the dog does not like it, if embraced will feel limited in their movements, and then be concerned. To spoil just caress it in a very delicate and not with the energy package that surely will not like, but if you want to do it literally mad with joy, scratch card on the neck are right for you. Another thing is never to meet him head-on, try to notice when a dog does not want to threaten a fellow, before approaching a curve and will always never comes before the other dog from the front, because if he did that would be a threat. So when you get close to any dog, even your own, do not worry about always try to make a turn before going to him. All these movements to avoid conflicts, were identified by the famous Norwegian Turid Rugaas educator and is very interesting to know them because we realize to what the dogs are peaceful animals who love to live in peace without being threatened or threaten other constantly, like we do we often do with them. So if you had a bad day do not blame your dog, otherwise he will learn ad avere paura di voi e potrebbe anche decidere di allontanarsi e stare alla larga da voi o nella peggiore delle ipotesi, potrebbe ringhiare o mordervi per difendersi. Per evitare che ciò accada, trattate il cane con amore e con la medesima dedizione che riservereste ad un bambino. I cani sono molto sensibili anche al tono di voce, quindi se avete avuto una brutta giornata, piuttosto evitate il cane perchè lui lo percepirebbe dai movimenti, dagli scatti e dal vostro tono e nella sua mente noi saremmo talvolta pericolosi. Più sarete delicati e più il cane imparerà a fidarsi di noi ed ascolterà i nostri insegnamenti!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Earths Best Wholesale
speak with trust! A dog
Hands up who has never spoken with his dog as if it were able to respond? How many times watching her sweet nose you thought "It lacks only the word"! Yet even the dogs have their own language speech consists of a series of barks of various types depending on the situation, but mostly communicate in a non-verbal, through gestures, as did the primitives. In addition, our dog is watching, scrutinizing our movements to understand what we want to communicate, but sin that certain gestures for us normal, appear to be a threat to the dog that often misunderstands them. For example you should never set the dog in the eye, a direct means for us to talk to him but he is the worst threat, if not it already has two dogs are fixed because they have good intentions, in fact most of the time looking elsewhere, so if the talk does not fix it, so you do not feel threatened. An outpouring that we humans strive to express our affection is the hug, but the dog does not like it, if embraced will feel limited in their movements, and then be concerned. To spoil just caress it in a very delicate and not with the energy package that surely will not like, but if you want to do it literally mad with joy, scratch card on the neck are right for you. Another thing is never to meet him head-on, try to notice when a dog does not want to threaten a fellow, before approaching a curve and will always never comes before the other dog from the front, because if he did that would be a threat. So when you get close to any dog, even your own, do not worry about always try to make a turn before going to him. All these movements to avoid conflicts, were identified by the famous Norwegian Turid Rugaas educator and is very interesting to know them because we realize to what the dogs are peaceful animals who love to live in peace without being threatened or threaten other constantly, like we do we often do with them. So if you had a bad day do not blame your dog, otherwise he will learn ad avere paura di voi e potrebbe anche decidere di allontanarsi e stare alla larga da voi o nella peggiore delle ipotesi, potrebbe ringhiare o mordervi per difendersi. Per evitare che ciò accada, trattate il cane con amore e con la medesima dedizione che riservereste ad un bambino. I cani sono molto sensibili anche al tono di voce, quindi se avete avuto una brutta giornata, piuttosto evitate il cane perchè lui lo percepirebbe dai movimenti, dagli scatti e dal vostro tono e nella sua mente noi saremmo talvolta pericolosi. Più sarete delicati e più il cane imparerà a fidarsi di noi ed ascolterà i nostri insegnamenti!
Hands up who has never spoken with his dog as if it were able to respond? How many times watching her sweet nose you thought "It lacks only the word"! Yet even the dogs have their own language speech consists of a series of barks of various types depending on the situation, but mostly communicate in a non-verbal, through gestures, as did the primitives. In addition, our dog is watching, scrutinizing our movements to understand what we want to communicate, but sin that certain gestures for us normal, appear to be a threat to the dog that often misunderstands them. For example you should never set the dog in the eye, a direct means for us to talk to him but he is the worst threat, if not it already has two dogs are fixed because they have good intentions, in fact most of the time looking elsewhere, so if the talk does not fix it, so you do not feel threatened. An outpouring that we humans strive to express our affection is the hug, but the dog does not like it, if embraced will feel limited in their movements, and then be concerned. To spoil just caress it in a very delicate and not with the energy package that surely will not like, but if you want to do it literally mad with joy, scratch card on the neck are right for you. Another thing is never to meet him head-on, try to notice when a dog does not want to threaten a fellow, before approaching a curve and will always never comes before the other dog from the front, because if he did that would be a threat. So when you get close to any dog, even your own, do not worry about always try to make a turn before going to him. All these movements to avoid conflicts, were identified by the famous Norwegian Turid Rugaas educator and is very interesting to know them because we realize to what the dogs are peaceful animals who love to live in peace without being threatened or threaten other constantly, like we do we often do with them. So if you had a bad day do not blame your dog, otherwise he will learn ad avere paura di voi e potrebbe anche decidere di allontanarsi e stare alla larga da voi o nella peggiore delle ipotesi, potrebbe ringhiare o mordervi per difendersi. Per evitare che ciò accada, trattate il cane con amore e con la medesima dedizione che riservereste ad un bambino. I cani sono molto sensibili anche al tono di voce, quindi se avete avuto una brutta giornata, piuttosto evitate il cane perchè lui lo percepirebbe dai movimenti, dagli scatti e dal vostro tono e nella sua mente noi saremmo talvolta pericolosi. Più sarete delicati e più il cane imparerà a fidarsi di noi ed ascolterà i nostri insegnamenti!
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