Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Toddler Has Creamy Diarrhea


Una cara amica di June mi ha scritto una e-mail davvero toccante, che per ovvi motivi di privacy e rispetto non posso divulgare, purtroppo si e' separata dal suo compagno che le ha portato via l'amatissima Jack Russell "Isotta", lei si sta disperando, ha perso peso e non si da pace, non puo' fare nulla per riaverla in quanto il chip non porta il suo nome o almeno cosi' credeva, fino a quando io testarda ho deciso di documentarmi per esserle d'aiuto ed e' nato questo articolo. In caso di separazione potete rivolgervi all'Aidaa, the Italian association for the protection of animals and the environment, can give you advice on what to do with pets. Do you think that more and more people use the pet to blackmail your partner when they decide to separate, even in the worst situations come to kidnap him! If a married couple decides to separate, custody of the animal will be 'discussed in the separation. For couples who live together, as the author of the e-mail, things (as always) are a bit more 'complicated. Aida provides a legal advisory service, using a one-stop on-line, dedicated to all those who wish to marry or go to live with and who have an animal, the e-mail and ' Couples can be assisted by a lawyer for stpulare a prenuptial agreement, with the value of private writing, which can be used in case of separation. The owner of Isolde at the moment is fighting for legal custody of her Jack, as it had been given them, and it can 'show thanks to a ticket on which the former partner, explained that from that day would be his , complete with a chip number, farm and other things that now I can not mention!


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